Boys To Men Or Men To Boys?

by Dr. E. Faye Williams, Esq.

(Trice Edney Wire) – Years ago, the rule was boys being taught to be men. Donald Trump and J.D. Vance have got it backwards.  With their childish remarks, they are showing us the reverse of what it means to be a grown up!

So, there’s no confusion as to which one said what, I will use their actual names rather than who they have become. There is no evidence either Trump or Vance has grown up since coming into the world!

This was obvious hearing both candidates during that boring week, as well as now. I listened so I could be in the know when discussing what Republicans and Democrats would be offering to the people they were trying to inspire to vote for them. We were privileged to witness two conventions a few weeks apart. The R’s went first. We heard a lot of nonsense and a whole lot of mean, childish, angry things at their convention and since then.  We saw a silly prank by Hulk Hogan where he ripped off his shirt for some unexplained reason. The R’s choice of music was certainly not cheerful. I didn’t see anybody get up and want to dance.  Their music and speeches were boring and outdated.

I can’t remember anything I would call positive. It didn’t get lost on me that Trump’s family didn’t spend a lot of time cheering the program and speakers. The worst part was closing their convention with the main speaker—Donald Trump.  He tried to insult Milwaukee before the convention began. As usual, he was long and boring, providing no inspiration for delegates who came to be inspired by their dear leader. He gave them a lot of gibberish. A young boy certainly would’ve done better. Vance was busy cleaning up things he’d previously said about his dear leader!

Next, we were privileged to witness the Mighty Democrats! They provided a professional program. We learned exactly what they stand for and we liked it!  We heard visiting speakers from the R’s party who gave us reasons not to vote for Trump and Vance! The reasons came easily from one speaker after the other.  The great grown-up speakers just kept on coming.  Hillary Clinton fell into the perfect category as did many others. They delivered messages that inspired us. An unusual number of people volunteered to work in the D’s campaign, and before the convention was over, a lot of money to do the job had been raised!

Our forever First Lady, Michelle Obama, left us with the most memorable line when she reminded Trump that the job he was seeking just might be one of those Black jobs!  I don’t have space to tell you about all the great happenings, but I must mention Stevie Wonder who worked his magic and John Legend and Sheila E who put the icing on the cake!

Our forever President, Barack Obama, delivered as expected. Gov. Tim Walz, on the way to being our next Vice-President, showed us why he was chosen!  Then came the main event.  Hon. Kamala Harris walked into the arena and there was bedlam—all positive! Since her nomination to run for President, she’s been showing she’s ready to be President. She has put a lot more meat on the bones!  She promised to prosecute the criminal, and she’s doing just that! She laid out her program for us. She left us ready to go to work to save our democracy and ensure our freedom! Since that time, Trump and Vance have turned the song “Boys to Men” to “Men to Boys!” Kamala reminded us why we need to confirm our voters’ registration and of our need to vote Harris/Walz on November 5th!

(Dr. E. Faye Williams is President of The Dick Gregory Society and National President Emerita of the National Congress of Black Women.)