King County Executive Dow Constantine activated the King County Emergency Operations Center (EOC) in response to the COVID-19 cases in King County to coordinate the work of cities across the region.
“This response is a collaborative effort between the federal, state and local governments,” said Constantine. “The Emergency Operations Center will provide regional coordination in support of County and local operations for King County residents.”
The EOC will also coordinate with the Health and Medical Area Command under King County Public Health to ensure coordination at all levels of county government.
King County Metro has also established an Incident Management Team to develop policy recommendations, operational strategies, and protocols for sustaining Metro operations in all contingencies.
King County’s Department of Community and Human Services and Public Health are working with the County’s Facilities Management Division, which oversees all County properties, to explore options for people who are homeless who may need to rest and recover from any possible COVID-19 infections away from others in shelter locations.