Charter Review Commission Forwards Amendment Measures For 2022 General Election Ballot

Vancouver, Wash. – The Clark County Charter Review Commission this week voted to place six charter amendment proposals on the November 2022, general election ballot.

These measures are:

  • Resolution 2021-8, authorizing the county auditor to implement ranked-choice voting for county elected officials’ positions
  • Resolution 2021-9, requiring the county council during the appointment process in hiring a new county manager to consult in a public meeting with county executive elected officials
  • Resolution 2021-10, adding a Preamble Section to the charter
  • Resolution 2021-11, adding a Vacancy Section to the charter in the event an elected county official position becomes vacant
  • Resolution 2021-12, changing the initiative and referendum signature percentage from 10% to 8%, incorporating a 120-day signature gathering limit for mini-initiatives and allowing for transfer of signatures from initiative to the mini-initiative process
  • Resolution 2021-13, establishing a Diversity and Inclusion Officer position and a Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Commission

Earlier this year, the commission approved seven charter amendments to move forward onto the 2021 general election ballot. Six of the seven were approved by voters last month. An amendment regarding establishing a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion department within the county was not approved. 

To review the complete texts of the resolutions, visit the county’s website at and follow the information for the Dec. 8 meeting.