The Clark County Council will hold a work session to discuss the 179th Street Access Management and Circulation Plan on Weds., Mar. 29 at 9:00 am. The council is requesting additional information about the plan as they consider adoption and whether to move the plan to a public hearing. During the work session, staff will share questions received from residents throughout the project and share responses.
Residents who have questions or comments that are not reflected in the previously submitted documents can submit them to [email protected]. Comments received by 5:00 pm on Mon., Mar. 20, will be combined with previously received questions/comments and shared with the council ahead of the work session. Questions submitted after that time will receive responses from staff and be shared with the council after the March 29 work session.
The 179th Street area in Northeast Vancouver is currently experiencing rapid development, which is causing an increase in traffic in the area. The existing road network was not designed to accommodate the increased traffic volume, and therefore, a plan is needed to balance the increased traffic volumes with safety and mobility. The plan’s recommendations include road designs, intersection types, access locations, and safety features. The plan does not initiate county acquisition of privately owned land nor does it review or approve proposed developments or overall development of the area. The plan also does not require that property owners develop their property.
Public input from throughout the project has been collected into documents available on the project website. This includes lists of previously submitted questions and comments and responses from staff. The plan and additional information can be found at The webpage contains information about public involvement in the plan’s creation, as well as information about attending the March 29th work session.