Portland’s Water Crisis

Portland’s Bull Run Reservoir is the primary drinking water source for the city of Portland, but regulators say its water is corrosive and can cause lead solder in older pipes to break down and leach into stagnant water, creating health risks.

Dr Marc Edwards, Virginia Tech Professor says, “In Flint, it went on for 18 months.” he said. “It was a national and international outcry, thousands of stories, dozens of documentary movies. … In Portland, they’re over the action level again and it’s been going on for several decades.” In recent years, Flint’s water has become synonymous with environmental disaster. Portland’s water, meanwhile, is considered some of the most pristine in the nation, even though the city’s lead levels usually remain just below — and occasionally surpass — the federal safety limit of 15 parts per billion.

Portland Water Bureau argued with the comparison to Flint’s water problem. Noting, in Flint, the water was contaminated by lead service lines that affected most homes and buildings in the community. Water bureau spokesperson Jaymee Cuti says the main source of lead in Portland’s water is copper pipes with lead solder in less than 10% of homes and buildings. But, the city is facing its own, unique chronic lead problem, and state health regulators are asking for a quick fix.

On Dec. 14, the Oregon Health Authority’s drinking water division sent a letter to Portland Water Bureau Director Gabriel Solmer. “Drinking Water Services (DWS) is very concerned at the recent exceedance of the lead action level,” wrote Technical Manager Kari Salis. “As you are aware, there is no safe level of exposure of lead.”

The agency asked the water bureau to provide a plan for “additional short-term measures” by Friday. OHA spokesperson Jonathan Modie said the agency expects, at minimum, that the plan will include “further adjustments to treatment, and enhanced public education and outreach.” Water bureau spokesperson Jaymee Cuti said the two agencies “are working together on a plan to best protect vulnerable people and everyone who drinks our water.