Fire Starts Collapse Of Apartment Building

In the middle of last week, a four-alarm fire was put out at a Southwest Portland apartment building. During the investigation after the fire, the building started to collapse. The already troubled building had created concerns that the fire could cause the building to collapse. Interstate 405 was temporarily closed for safety.

Portland police reportedly has a history with the apartment complex. They have responded to the building 14 times and Portland fire crews have responded to the same apartments 28 times in the last year. Still no cause has been given and none ruled out. Two firefighters were injured. Of the injured, one firefighter continued to work and the other was taken to the hospital after experiencing high blood pressure.

The Red Cross has stepped in. The organization opened a shelter for displaced residents at University of Portland. Fencing went up in the area fir safety reasons enjuring no one is hit by debris falling from the crumbling building. Portland Fire & Rescue told the media that the building is of imminent concern to collapse and that unreinforced masonry building was being held together by the floors.

The city was being ask to help those in need. Several funds were started. Of the funds started four were verified GoFundMe fundraisers that aimed to help those who have been displaced by this fire. The funds are:

– “Emergency Funds for Jay”

– “Help Nicholas Rebuild After Tragic Fire”

– “Queer Displaced by Apartment Fire”

– “Residents & Victims of The May Fire”

The blaze was located on Southwest 14th Avenue and Southwest Taylor Street. The apartment building has been evaluated by a city engineer and no one other that professionals are allowed to go into the building now. The apartment building housed 42 units and about 100 residents. Two buildings were saved as fire rescue crews helped residents to safety.