Council To Consider Public Partipation Plan For Comprehensive Plan Update At March 21 Hearing

Vancouver, Wash. – Clark County Community Planning is starting the process of updating the local Comprehensive Growth Management Plan, as required by the state’s Growth Management Act (GMA). The plan, last updated in 2016, is a long-range policy guide for how the county plans to manage growth and development over a twenty-year period. 

The GMA requires jurisdictions to periodically update their comprehensive plan and development regulations to bring them up to date with changes to state law; changes to land use; population growth; and housing needs projections. 

To begin the periodic update process, the county will adopt a Public Participation Plan (PPP) that would clearly identify the scope of the proposed update, when legislative action is expected, and how the public can participate or comment.

County Council will hold a hybrid public hearing on the Public Participation Plan on Tuesday, March 21, 2023, at 6 p.m., in the sixth-floor Hearing Room of the Public Service Center, 1300 Franklin St. and virtually via Webex. The meeting will be shown live on CVTV channel 23/323 and available later that day for on-demand viewing on

The updated Public Participation Plan draft and other hearing materials can be found at

Information on how the public can attend the meeting and provide testimony can be found on the Council’s meeting page at