Portlanders with children are learning about the State’s approval of a booster shot for COVID. Pfizer is the only vaccine that can be used as a booster dose for youth ages 16 and 17. Effective immediately Oregon’s immunization advisory panel approves booster doses of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine for people ages 16 and 17 Thursday. Healthcare providers and vaccine clinics are approved to administer shots to newly eligible teens who completed their original vaccine series at least six months ago.
Governor Of Oregon Kate Brown states, “It’s great news that now even more Oregonian adolescents are eligible for booster shots,” “We know the measures that are effective in protecting against COVID-19 and variants: vaccinations, boosters, and masks. These measures are key to ending the pandemic and keeping our friends and loved ones safe.”
Pfizer boosters were authorized for the new age group by the Western States Scientific Safety Review Workgroup, which includes Oregon, Washington, California and Nevada, releasing a statement supporting the CDC’s recommendation of authorization of the boosters for the teens.
Dr. Dean Sidelinger, state health officer and state epidemiologist says, “The scientists, medical experts and health officials who reviewed studies on the effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines have determined that the benefits provided by a booster merit their use for this group.” “We already know that protection can wane over time, and the boosters will continue to provide younger Oregonians continued protection, just as boosters are doing for Oregonians 18 years and older.” An estimated 100,000 Oregonians ages 16 and 17 are now eligible for boosters following Thursday’s approvals.